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22 Common Chicken Diseases And Treatment

Mar 22, 2024 14:31:25Newsview 154

1. Newcastle disease


The chickens suffer from depression, loss of appetite, panting, breathing with mouth open, eyes closed, yellow-green or white sparse discharge. You may notice the crop is full of mucus, and a large amount of sour and smelly liquid is poured out. The cockscomb and wattle are dark red or blue-purple. For laying hens, the laying of eggs dropped rapidly, the eggshell was milky, rough, and deformed eggs and soft-preserved eggs appeared. Later neurological symptoms appear, such as ataxia, spinning in circles, twisting, head touching the ground, or looking up at the sky. Atypical Newcastle disease is characterized by difficulty in breathing, sporadic death of chickens, green feces, decreased production performance, and neurological symptoms in some cases.

Prevention and treatment

4-5 times the amount of Newcastle disease IV vaccine for emergency inoculation in drinking water.

Drink Ciprofloxacin Lactate 5g/100kg of water for 4 days.

Electrolyzed multi-dimensional drinking water.

2. Infectious Fabry disease


Sudden onset, the sick chickens are depressed, their feed intake declines, their feathers are fluffy, their heads are shrunken, and they lie on the ground with their eyes closed. Pulls white loose dung, and then quickly died.

Prevention and treatment

One-time injection of the bursa of Fabricius hyperimmune yolk antibody 2mL/only.

Electrolyzed multi-dimensional drinking water.

Enrofloxacin 5g/100kg of drinking water for 4 days.

3. Marek's disease

The disease is onset as early as 3 weeks of age, but most of the onset is 2-5 months of age.


Sick chickens have symptoms of weight loss, anemia, shriveled combs, pale, green dung, decline or loss of production performance, and eventually die of exhaustion. Nervous-type chickens occur neurological symptoms such as large splits, drooping wings, and soft strength. The eye shape is often blindness in one eye, the iris is discolored, the pupil is constricted, and the edges are irregular. The skin is dominated by local skin thickening, with gray-white tumor lesions of varying sizes.

Prevention and treatment

This disease is mainly through prevention. There is no treatment method and no therapeutic value. Chickens should be eliminated as soon as possible after diagnosis.

4. Lymphocytic leukemia

Chicken leukemia is a chronic neoplastic disease of chickens caused by a group of viruses with common characteristics. Lymphocytic leukemia is the most common, mainly in laying hens after sexual maturity.


Sick chickens lose weight, have poor spirits, lose appetite, have shriveled cockscombs, pale, green droppings, and have swollen abdomens. The hand tube can come into contact with the swollen liver.

Prevention and treatment

There is no specific prevention and treatment method for this disease, and chickens should be eliminated as early as possible after they are found.

5. Infectious laryngotracheitis


Sudden onset, adult chickens have multiple hairs, their heads are straight, their mouths are panting, and they often make gurgling noises. Sick chickens shake their heads, cough, and often cough up bloody sputum, which sticks to walls or chicken cages. If they cannot cough up, sick chickens are often held back and die. Some sick chickens occur eye conjunctiva inflamed, red, and swollen, with serous or thick exudate inside, laying hens have decreased egg production and more secondary eggs.

Prevention and treatment

Aminophylline 50mg/only for 1 day, for 5 days.

Doxycycline 5g/100kg of water for four days.

6. Infectious bronchitis


Respiratory type infectious bronchus: mainly occurs in chicks within 5 weeks of age. The sick chickens are depressed, their feed intake is reduced, they have difficulty breathing, gasping for breath, and are mixed with rales. Infections during the egg-laying period include low production, soft shell eggs, deformed eggs, etc. The egg white is as thin as water, and the yolk is separated from the white. Infectious bronchitis of renal type: this type is more common at present, and the 20-30 days old is the high incidence stage of this disease. In the early stage of the disease, there are mild respiratory symptoms, and then the spirit of the sick chickens declines, the food intake is reduced, and the chickens get together. You may find the chickens are cold, with lime-type, watery droppings, withered feet, and claws, until they are exhausted and died.

Prevention and treatment

Drink ciprofloxacin lactate 5g/100 kg of water for four days.

The antidote for nephropathy is 100 kg of water/daily drink for 3-4 days.

Electrolyzed multi-dimensional drinking water.

7. Chicken pox


Skin type: mainly in the hairless or less hairy parts of the cockscomb, wattle, under the face, under the wings, legs, and other hairless or less hairy parts of gray-white acne nodules, and then the nodules enlarge and merge to form gray-yellow or brown crusted, but the chicken's mental appetite is normal. Mucosal type: also known as diphtheria type, ulcers or yellow-white pseudomembrane is seen in the mouth and throat, chickens have difficulty breathing, and those with severely runny nose suffocate and die. mixed type: refers to the skin type, and mucosal type lesions at the same time. Prevention and control

Prevention and treatment

When the incidence rate is less than 30%, emergency vaccination of chickenpox.

Apply local purple syrup.

Ciprofloxacin 5g/100 kg of water, drink for 4-5 days.

8. Infectious encephalomyelitis


The disease mainly affects chicks within 3 weeks of age. The affected chickens are sluggish at first, and then have ataxia, swaying erratically, more obvious when driving, lying on the side or falling from time to time, tremors in the head, and feeling more obvious when touching with hands. Resistant to surviving chickens, some have one or both eyes blind with crystalline opacity and grayish-white.

Prevention and treatment

The disease has no therapeutic value and should be eliminated as soon as it is found.

9. Dropped egg production syndrome


Infected flocks are characterized by a general drop in egg production. There is no obvious change in the spirit, feeding, and drinking water of the sick chickens. Sometimes diarrhea occurs, and the egg production rate sometimes drops by 20-50%. At the same time, the number of deformed eggs increases. The quality of eggs decreases, sometimes shellless eggs are produced.

Prevention and treatment

Add 0.5kg of egg shock additive per 300 kg of material, and use the mixture for 7-15 days.

Drink neomycin sulfate 5g/100 kg of water for 4 days.

Electrolyzed multi-dimensional drinking water.

10. Bird Flu


Sick chickens have swollen eyes and weeping, depressed spirit, purple swollen cockscomb wattles, bleeding, and necrosis. Green loose feces are discharged, and foot scales have bleeding spots. Chickens cough and have difficulty in breathing. The egg production rate plummeted, abnormal eggs are produced, and chickens have a high mortality rate.

Prevention and treatment

Doxycycline 5g/100 kg of water, drink for 4-5 days.

Newcastle disease IV vaccines are immunized with eyedrops and drinking water.

Electrolyzed multi-dimensional drinking water.

11. Chronic respiratory disease

Sick chickens shed tears with swollen eyelids. Severe ones have closed eyes, cheese-like objects of different sizes, runny noses, coughing, and breathing rales. The signs also include lack of energy, reduced production performance, and difficulty in peaking egg production.


Prevention and treatment

0.012% erythromycin thiocyanate water for 5-7 days.

0.03-0.04% compound thiamine-5-methoxypyrimidine mixed with 0.06% soda for 5-7 days.

12. Avian cholera


Chickens within 3 months of age have strong resistance. Laying hens are susceptible, and the most acute cases die suddenly without symptoms. In acute cases, chickens have no appetite, standing stupidly with loose feathers. You can see mucus in the mouth, diarrhea, cyanosis of the head, and death coming soon. Chronic cases are characterized by swollen wattles, swollen joints, and lameness.

Prevention and treatment

5g/100kg doxycycline of water for 3-4 days

Electrolyzed multi-dimensional drinking water.

13. white diarrhea


Chicks: There are many weak chicks caught up in omphalitis, lack of energy, fear of cold, chills, clustering, with fluffy feathers, not eating, discharge white sticky feces, blocking the anus, causing the chickens to screech. Pneumonia type is difficult to breathe, gasping for breath, and sometimes swollen joints walk with a limp. Breeding chickens: Chickens with poor appetite, and diarrhea in flocks often die suddenly, and the death continues for a long time. Laying hens: generally do not show symptoms, but the peak of egg production is not high, the peak period is short, the death rate is high, and there is occasional diarrhea.

Prevention and treatment

Drink neomycin sulfate 5g/100kg of water for 3-4 days.

Electrolyzed multi-dimensional drinking water.

14. Typhoid fever


Chicks: The number of weak chicks increases, and the sick chicks are lethargic and hairy. Afraid of cold, not eating, and discharging white loose craps, the symptoms are similar to those of idiots. Adult chickens: depression, weight loss, atrophy of cockscombs, loose feathers, yellow-green loose feces, poor growth, and development.

Prevention and treatment

Drink Neomycin Sulfate 5g/100kg of water for 4 days.

Electrolyzed multi-dimensional drinking water.

15. Escherichia coli


Acute septicemia: The chicken suffers from a lack of energy, discharges white or yellow-green feces, and the autopsy shows skin and muscle congestion, poor blood coagulation, poor lung coagulation, pulmonary congestion, edema, intestinal mucosal congestion, hemorrhage, and the liver is purplish red. Omphalitis: Weak chicks with a large abdomen, open umbilicus, red and swollen, inflammatory exudate or "pin-shaped" post-mortem examination showed malabsorption of yolk, and yolk liquefaction was green and viscous cheese-like. Paddle meningitis: The chickens have difficulty in walking, the abdomen is enlarged, there are ascites in it, breathing is difficult, and the mouth is wheezing. Necropsy showed pericarditis, perihepatitis, air sac inflammation, peritonitis, and so on. Salpingitis: The sick chickens stop production, the crown shrinks, and pales, and the abdomen is enlarged. The autopsy shows that the fallopian tubes are highly dilated, and there are white jelly-like substances inside. peritonitis. Arthritis: swelling of hocks or toe joints and fibrinous or purulent inflammatory exudates in the joints. Panophthalmitis: swelling of one or both eyes with a cheese-like substance inside. Escherichia coli granuloma: There are yellow-white granuloma nodules of varying sizes in the mesentery, intestinal paddle membrane, and epicardium.

Prevention and treatment

Ciprofloxacin lactate 5g/100kg of water for 4 days

Compound sulfa-5-oxygen pyrimidine 0.03 -- 0.04% mixed with 0.06% Sodium Bicarbonate feed for 5 -- 7 days.

Neomycin sulfate 5g/100 kg of water for 4 days.

16. Infectious rhinitis


Affected chickens have reduced feed intake, lack of energy, nose fling, runny or sticky snot, swelling of the color surface, edema of the wattles, often edema on one side, difficulty in breathing, purring, green thin feces, laying hens Egg production dropped significantly.

Prevention and treatment

Tylosin 0.1% drinking water. Use for 3-5 days.

Erythromycin thiocyanate 0.012% drinking water for 3-5 days.

The oxytetracycline 0.2% mixture is fed continuously for 5-7 days.

17. Staphylococcal disease


Lack of energy, reduced feed intake, hair loss, edema, dark red or foul-smelling black liquid from skin ulceration on the chest, abdomen, wings, and inner and outer thighs. The arthritis type swelling of the diseased joints, lameness in sick chickens, and necrosis between the toes in severe cases.

Prevention and treatment

Drink Neomycin Sulfate 5g/100kg of water for 4 days.

Drink enrofloxacin 5 g/100 kg of water for four days.

18. Fungal pneumonia


Sick chickens are depressed, eat less, don't want to move, have difficulty breathing, and open their mouths to pant but gasp without sound (no mucus in the trachea). Individuals see eye infections, and eyelid protrusions, with yellow cheese-like objects.

Prevention and treatment

Nystatin 0.5-10,000 IU/piece is administered as a mixture every day for 3-5 days.

Copper sulfate 1:3000 is made into a solution for drinking water and used for 2-3 days.

19. Necrotizing enteritis


Sudden onset, depression, hair sticking, reducing or not eating, drop dark black coal tar-like feces sometimes mixed with blood, and dying quickly.

Prevention and treatment

Ciprofloxacin 5g/100 kg of water is used for 3-4 days.

Electrolyzed multi-dimensional drinking water.

20. Coccidiosis


The chickens suffer from depression, decreased feeding, bright red bloody or brown-red droppings, anemia, pale cockscombs, and watery feces mixed with undigested feed in the feces.

Prevention and treatment

Use the Qiusha (specific medicine) mix for 4-5 days.

The Qiu Liqing (specific medicine) mixture is used continuously for 3-5 days.

21. Histotrichomoniasis

This disease is also called cecal hepatitis, blackhead disease.


Sick chickens are lethargic, their feed intake is reduced, their bodies are curled up, they are afraid of cold, and lethargic, and they discharge yellow foamy feces or light green odorous feces.

22. leukocytic protozoa disease


Sick chickens are not in good spirits, anorectic, immobile, got anemia, pale cockscombs, and wattles, discharge red loose feces, have difficulty breathing, and occasionally bleed before death.

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